Welcome to the newest version of this site. As should be fairly obvious, it is under construction. I've moved the blog off of the main page. As it was, the site was "not retro enough". This should give it a bit more of a retro feel. ;)
Rebuilding the site this way allows me to concentrate as much on any static content I would like to create as it does on writing on the blog. For instance, I'll likely build out the old Ghosts of Ohio site again, but won't be constrained by doing it as a blog. I may write up the individual pages as blog entries again, but the index will more than likely be static pages similar to the original ones.
This site will be about my hobbies. Many revolve around retro computers and such, but I also enjoy electronics, astronomy, music, tv, and movies, as well as camping. While I will continue to write blog entries on these subjects, and more, I will also likely create static pages for some of them as well. I've even found an old-fassioned Webring to join, and don't forget to sign my guestbook. ;)
Anyhow, now that all that is out of the way, enjoy the site. Hopefully it takes you back to the late 90's/early 00's for a bit. ;)

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