Friday, February 28, 2014

CassieIsWatching theory

codes into serapisIt wasn't intentional, but recovering LGPedia has managed to turn this into CassieIsWatching week. I'm sure I've shared at least part of what follow, but I'm also sure I haven't shared other parts. Regardless, below is my CassieIsWatching theory, most of it fairly random thoughts:

My CassieIsWatching Theory - The End

First, let me start with the end. The Anagram From Hell. For all the other anagrams, Cassie helped us out with additional clues, such as blurred-out images of the solved anagram, so we could tell word count and get a general idea of the length of each word of the poem. I believe our failure in Second Life caused Cassie to disappear, and that anagram was her farewell. I'm sure everyone would likely agree with that overall conclusion. If not, I'd love to hear other ideas in comments.

The Beginning

I believe that The Creators, despite their denials, were somehow involved, at least in the beginning. How involved, I do not know, but I suspect the original puppet master at least had their blessing, if they weren't outright running it to begin with.


I think Swimming! contained a clue that should have launched the ARG. I think This Is My Story Now was an explicit invitation to play.

When I Get To The Bottom Where I Stop

I believe the backlash from the images in the second video was unexpected, so The Creators publicly distanced themselves in order keep that backlash from impacting LG15 itself. I do not know if there was someone else involved with the production in the very beginning that is still unknown to us, who maybe took over the reins of CiW once The Creators distanced themselves, or if they continued to run it in the background.

Frank. Poor Frank

I think when we finally failed Frank a couple of days before the ceremony, Kaye's message contained another clue that we had missed. I think from Kaye's phrasing, that clue may still be out there. What good would it do us now? Who knows? Closure for those of us still obsessed after all this time?

The Ceremony

If The Creators continued to run things, then why did the story lines of CiW and LG15 diverge? Quite possibly, our failure caused The Creators to face a choice. Either Bree died, or they diverged the story lines, leading to the fake ceremony Daniel witnessed in LG15. If Bree had died that early on, due to our failure at CiW, LG15 would have come to an untimely end. While the series survived Bree's eventual death, I'm not sure it would have had it occurred that early. I'm not 100% convinced The Creators were involved after the backlash, but it is a possibility.

Glenn Rubenstein

Even though it's been speculated that Glenn was the PM despite his denials, I do not believe this to be the case. I believe his gamejacking attempts frustrated the PM, though. What impact that had on the game itself is anyone's guess.

Final Thoughts

I believe our failure to solve early clues within LG15 led to the creation of CiW. I believe the backlash caused The Creators to want to end their association with CiW, but ending the ARG abruptly at that point would have outed them as the PMs, even if they were merely collaborating with the PM. I believe our failure gave them the perfect out from CiW, while allowing the main project, LG15, to continue.

I know some of these theories are a bit out there, and some cover old ground. I'm still not 100% convinced of anything related to CiW at this point, so I'd love to hear your thoughts :)


  1. It's been 4 years since you posted this, but I thought I would add my two cents. Having worked with the Creators early on just at the beginning of CiW, it is my belief that they were never "in" on the ARG. I remember Miles telling me that he did love the attention it was bringing to LG15, but the honestly had no clue who was behind it. There was some speculation on their part that someone formerly involved with the production leaked information that could have fed the puppetmaster. But that leak was no longer involved with the production by that time, and so could no longer provide CiW with plot points to work off of.

    CiW seemed genuinely confused by the late night phone calls that originated from her phone replaying voicemails she has received. She even accused me of lying, but then retracted it once she realized it was true. If Glen was behind CiW, that whole time, then why would CiW have accused me of lying. CiW was definitely not Glen. Though I know Glen had been around the forums from the very beginning. Even before anyone had heard anything about OpAphid, he was there as the forum user "covedweller". This is the first time in 12 years that I have admitted that he told me that.

    For what its worth, and though he has denied it to me time and time again, I am of the opinion that CiW was Curoi, the person who found Cassie's first clue in the pond.

    I look back on those days fondly. The mystery was so much fun, and ultimately much more enjoyable than LG15 itself turned out to be.


    1. TW! Great to hear from you! And it doesn't matter how long it's been, CiW still holds my interest, even all these years later. Your input is greatly appreciated, and I agree with much of it except, perhaps, CuRoi. I never really bought in to him as puppetmaster. At this point, very little would surprise me, though ;)
