Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Did we miss a huge CassieIsWatching clue?

ciwDid we miss a huge CassieIsWatching clue? I do not know for sure, but I suspect we may have. What drives me to this conclusion? Well, I was plunking around the CassieIsWatching page of LGPedia, and decided to check to see if Frank's blog was still up. Yes, his blog, A Voice Within is, indeed, still there. As I'm sure everyone recalls, the last entry was from his wife, Kaye, telling us of his passing. It was posted on October 10, 2006. If I recall correctly, the ceremony was to occur October 12. (Is that also when the SecondLife event took place?) This gave us two days until endgame, which may have been plenty of time to discuss what I just noticed, and realized may have been a clue:

Per Frank's wishes, there will be no memorial service or grave marker. I will be spreading Frank's ashes througout the East Fork trail in the San Gabriel Mountains, so he will always be there.

Was that a clue? I believe this is the area of Swimming! and This Is My Story Now and the same area Cu Roi found at least one other clue related to Frank, but did we miss something? Or was there another drop in the area at that time? Was it something that would still be there, given he will always be there? Or am I full of wishful thinking? Please discuss in comments...


  1. "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 04, 2006

    Yeah, i'll bet
    and i was in tyour chat

    i hope i DO see you on the east fork

    i'll be right there above you

    Well, if I wasn't convinced before, I am now. We squandered our opportunity when it came to Frank.

  2. "Confused as anyone
    I am the second traveler.

    A reference to the character in Young Goodman Brown? There's a ceremony in that story, too...

  3. Yeah, in Azusa, CA, the East Fork of the San Gabriel River is home to both the "Swimming Hole" location and the somewhat famous "Bridge to Nowhere," beloved by bungee jumpers everywhere. Cu Roi found the "Helter & Skelter" clown painting with a transcription in it in the area of the Bridge to Nowhere, which is about 3.33 miles north-ish (as the crow flies) from the lg15/CiW Swimming Hole. (Longer if one were actually walking the circuitous path along the San Gabriel river.) Among the dead Cassie links I sent you was one for the transcription of the bible verses in the Helter Skelter clown picture, but…it's from the deceased
    Another possible Frank clue which was never solved was this string of letters in his profile: FGNQBOZUMZBXPHTBCVDGFKQEGKCQUTWJDASDMFNDNGZGDXY
    I put it in my meager anagram software, and…it doesn't seem to anagram to anything! Interesting note: in his blogspot profile, Frank quoted "it might as well hurt," a line from Hole's "Use Once and Destroy," a song from which Cassie ALSO quoted in the description of her last YouTube video: it's the emptiness that follows you down.

  4. Not having much luck with with pulling that transcript from the old forums. I thought I had remembered a Helter & Skelter clown painting, but things are so fuzzy these days... Really hoping Miles gets things restored soon.

  5. Frank and Cu Roi probably sat together on the Bridge to Nowhere, drinking Jack Daniels and hanging out, haha.
    Interestingly enough—and I think I mentioned this somewhere, sometime—the property around the Bridge to Nowhere was once OWNED by a man named Frank…Frank Saunders. Apparently he passed away in 2002, not 2006. As of October (!) 2005, the 50-acre plot (which includes a gold mine) was still owned by Frank’s widow Gail (not Kaye), who continued to license bungee jump operations at the Bridge.

    Frank’s original 1998 post:

  6. Yeah, if Miles gets the stuff restored, I’ll be happy!
    Okay, as I remember it, there USED TO BE many (sometimes harsh) comments on Frank’s blog from frustrated Cassie sleuths, and at some point—I’m thinking shortly after October 12, 2006—all comments, other than those written by Frank and Kaye, were removed. I sure wish that I had taken screen shots of the blog when ALL the comments were still intact!

  7. I could see Cu Roi hanging out up there with Frank... lol... Interesting info about Frank Saunders. I did not know any of that. Should get that info in LGPedia, once I open it up for editing (or Miles gets the official one back)...

  8. Yes, there were tons of comments. I know a lot of them were from trolls, and not even remotely related to the game, but there were a significant number of comments. Off to the Wayback machine I go to see what I can find ;) (edit: crap. only one archive of the site, and it's from February of this year)

    As for, I'm not holding my breath. Even if Miles intends to restore everything, I'm sure it's very low on his priority of things to do. My only fear is no one bothered to validate any backup and it's all gone. That would suck. There was way too much history buried in there that would come in handy about now :)
